
Anna Rose

Architectural & urban planner

Dipl Ing Architektur
+44 20 7400 1320


Anna Rose is an architect and urban planner with particular expertise in advising on mixed-use masterplans and public realm projects.

Trained in Germany and the UK, she joined Space Syntax in 2002, becoming a partner and Board Director in 2007. 

In addition to her work in the UK, Anna leads the company’s design and consulting activities in the USA and continental Europe. She speaks regularly at industry and academic events worldwide and is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at University College London.  

Anna is a member of the UK Academy of Urbanism and Cabe’s Panel of Built Environment Experts, which advises on the design of high-profile development and public realm infrastructure projects. 

Key expertise 

Anna has extensive experience in advising both private and public sector clients on spatially complex development and masterplanning and public realm projects, with a particular focus on the design of effective human behaviour patterns.  

On the building scale Anna has extensive experience advising on commercial as well as cultural and education buildings, including laboratories, universities, museums and theatres. 

Her expertise targets the optimisation of spatial connectivity for the benefit of human interaction, walkability, safety, and conviviality, as well as urban sustainability more generally.  


2016   Design Council Built Environment Expert Panel.


2015  Forum Raumwissenschaften CUREM Zuerich

2015  Gruen macht Geld, City of Hamburg

2015  UK Rail Station Regeneration and Development Conference

2013  ReStreets Conference, Los Angeles

2012  Learning Cities Project, The Academy of Urbanism

2011  Harvard GSD lecture, The effects of urban layout

2010   Unit Tutor March Urban Design, The Bartlett, University College London

2007  Schindler Award Lecture, Bauhaus University Weimar.


2006  Honorary Research Fellow, The Bartlett, University College London.


2002  Carl-Duisberg Society, Germany-USA Seattle Exchange program for young academics

2001  Diploma in Architecture Rheinisch-Westfaelische Universitaet, Aachen.