30 St Mary Axe, London
Pedestrian movement and staff questionnaire analysis to assist in selecting the number and location of entrances to the building, for Foster and Partners.

Coach Station, UK
Analysis of current pedestrian circulation patterns and advice relating to impact of relocation options.

Eathere, London
Analysis of restaurant location characteristics with a view to the establishment of a new chain of restaurants in London, for private client.

Gare Bruxelles-Nord , Brussels
Pedestrian movement study and urban space analysis towards the development of strategic redevelopment proposals for the Gare du Nord / Centre de Communication Nord transport interchange and commercial development, for Eurostation.

Jubilee Bridge, London
Viability study for London’s first covered footbridge, with Jasper Jacobs Associates and the Architects Design Group for The Jubilee Bridge Trust.

King’s Cross Station, London
Development of an Urban Movement Study and strategic design guidance related to the creation of major public spaces at King’s Cross, for John McAslan & Partners and Railtrack PLC.

Long Acre, London
Pedestrian movement analysis, spatial network study and design development advice, with KPF Architects for the Mercers’ Company.

Moreland, Melbourne
Spatial analysis of residential development site and strategic redesign guidance, for the City of Moreland.

More London, London
Spatial design guidance relating to the integration of the development with its urban context, for Foster & Partners.

North Lambeth, London
Pedestrian capacity study, first stage study of current pedestrian movement patterns, for the London Borough of Lambeth.

Regent’s Place, London
Signing and masterplan design study with Shepperd Robson Architects and Bovis Lend Lease, for the British Land Company PLC.

Sainsbury’s Vauxhall, London
Strategic design advice, for Robert Turley Associates, planning lawyers and Sainsbury’s.

Songpa, Seoul
Development of an urban design strategy, for the Seoul Borough of Songpa.

St Ann’s Phase 10, Marple Square, Nottingham
Preparation of briefing material relating to the spatial layout and use patterns of a central Nottingham housing estate, with Technical Aid for Nottinghamshire Communities for the City of Nottingham.

St Giles Court, London
Pedestrian movement study, spatial layout analysis and strategic design guidance for the comprehensive redevelopment of a central London building complex, for Stanhope PLC and Legal and General.

Stratford City, East London
Urban evaluation and strategic design advice for the regeneration of a major ‘brownfield’ site, situated around the new High Speed Rail Interchange, for Stanhope PLC and Chelsfield PLC.

Trafalgar Square, London
Pedestrian movement modelling and ‘pedestrian impact assessment’ study, for Foster & Partners , WS Atkins and Transport for London.

Walking and Cycling in London
Preparation of strategic briefing material on monitoring, analysis, forecasting and policy-making, for Transport for London.

Walking and Cycling in London
Second phase of the development of a ‘walkability index’ using the comprehensive redevelopment of London Bridge Station as a case study, for Transport for London.