20 Blackfriars Road, London
Analysis of spatial layout and pedestrian activity patterns and generation of strategic design guidelines for a large, mixed-use development, with Wilkinson Eyre Architects for Land Securities Group PLC.
201 Bishopsgate, London
Strategic advice to British Land regarding the northern expansion of the Broadgate Estate and appraisal of options for its integration into the local urban area.
AGORA, Cities for People
Development of an audit methodology for European cities to identify, analyse and re-design ‘Capital Routes’ with research and design teams from Barcelona, London, Malmo and Utrecht for European Commission under Framework 5 Research Programme.
Auburn Central, Sydney
Strategic evaluation of the impact of a major mixed-use urban consolidation project on the pedestrian infrastructure of Auburn town centre and a preliminary Urban Strategy for the growth of the town centre, for the Auburn Council.
Barbican Arts Centre, London
Evaluation of design proposals for the reconfiguration of the building layout and recommendation of design amendments to address issues of wayfinding, retailing and visitor enjoyment.
BNG, France
Study of the impact of urban form on spatial accessibility andurban mix, including analysis of thespatial distribution of land uses, social housing, public transport, and vehicular traffic in theconurbations of Nantes and Grenoble for the French Ministry of Civil Work, Transport, Housing and Tourism.
Borough Road and Borough Development Concept, London
Creation of a development strategy for the Borough area of south London between the Tate Modern and the Elephant and Castle, for the London Borough of Southwark.
Bracknell Town Centre
Development of a town centre masterplan with Richard Rogers Partnership for Stanhope Plc and the New Bracknell Company (NBC).
Bucklesbury House, London
Pedestrian activity appraisal for Stanhope Plc and Legal & General Assurance Society Limited.
Crawley Town Centre, Crawley
Strategic town centre regeneration advice for English Partnerships.
Croydon Gateway, Croydon
Masterplan review and strategic public realm design advice for Stanhope Plc with Foster and Partners, FaulknerBrowns, CZWG Architects and West 8.
Department Store, Oxford Street, London
Conceptual design studies of urban location and site orientation with KPF Architects for a department store.
Detling Parish Plan, Kent
Development of a vision for the parish of Detling, Kent.
Elephant & Castle “Early Moves”, London
Road junction and pedestrian crossing design study with Tibbalds Urban Design and JMP transport consultants for the London Borough of Southwark.
Ex Fair Site, Milan
Public realm design advice for redevelopment of the Milan Fair site, with a competition team led by Foster and Partners and Frank O. Gehry & Associates for Risanamento S.p.A., IPI S.p.A., Fiat engineering S.p.A., Astaldi S.p.A., Chelsfield PLC, and Langdale Consulting Llc.
Fairfield Halls, Croydon
Strategic design advice to Countryside Properties on the development potentials of a mixed-use, town centre site.
Grosvenor Dock, London
Public realm design advice for the masterplanning of a major residential development in Westminster, with Finlay Harper for St James’ Homes.
Harlow North, Harlow
Contribution of spatial layout masterplanning advice to “Enquiry by Design” event organised by the Prince’s Foundation.
HM Treasury, Whitehall, London
Appraisal of access and entrance design options, with Foster and Partners for the Exchequer Partnership.
Ilford, London
Strategic design advice to Countryside Properties on the development potentials of a mixed-use, town centre site.
Imperial College, London
Site analysis and strategic design development with KPF Architects for Imperial College London.
Kings Cross Central, London
Analysis of the King’s Cross regeneration area and evaluation of current major redevelopment proposals for the London Borough of Camden.
Middlehaven, Middlesborough
Strategic urban redevelopment advice to English Partnershipss.
More London, London
Pedestrian flow modelling relating to the ground level retail & catering letting strategy for More London Developments.
New Fetter Lane, London
Design evaluation of a mixed-use development and strategic re-design advice, with Bennetts Associates Architects for Land Securities Group PLC.
NHSE Stage 2
Second phase evaluation of patient, staff and visitor interaction patterns in a range of hospital ward layout configurations, for NHS Estates.
North Bank, Stockton
Strategic urban redevelopment advice to English Partnerships.
One New Change, London
Pedestrian movement study, spatial layout analysis and strategic design guidance for the comprehensive redevelopment of a large site near St Paul’s Cathedral, with Atelier Jean Nouvel for Land Securities Group PLC.
Palace of Westminster Access Study, London
Assessment of current visitor access to the Houses of Parliament and advice on the proposed new visitors facility, with Purcell Miller Tritton Architects for the Parliamentary Estates Directorate.
Parliament Square, London
Re-appraisal of the World Squares for All masterplan and strategic public realm design advice for Transport for London.
Pelham Square, Hastings
Public space design advice for a new mixed-use building in Hastings, with Foster and Partners.
Potters Field Park, London
Development of spatial design brief for the redevelopment of Potters Field Park near Tower Bridge, followed by analysis of design proposal by Gross.Max. landscape architects for More London Developments Ltd.
Powis Street, London
Evaluation of proposed tram route and likely impact on existing pedestrian activity patterns on an important retailing street, with Symonds for Transport for London.
Royal Festival Hall, London
Continuing involvement in layout evaluation and strategic design input, for the South Bank Centre.
Salway Road, London
Development and evaluation of mixed use scheme in Stratford town centre, East London with Fletcher Priest Architects.
Shaw Heath Housing, Stockport
Strategic urban redevelopment advice to Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.
Skelmersdale Town Centre
Strategic urban redevelopment advice to English Partnerships.
St George’s Bloomsbury, London
Advice to the PCC of St George’s on pedestrian access issues, and briefing on development proposals taking place in the local urban context likely to affect access.
Trafalgar Square, London
Evaluation of the re-designed square and of the pedestrian modelling methodology used to develop the original design concept.
Udonthanee, Tung Srimuang
Development of strategic design principles for the enhancement of a major open space in Udonthanee, Thailand, for Rapit Suvanajata.
Unilever House, London
Site analysis, building orientation and strategic circulation advice with KPF Architects for Stanhope Plc.
Wansey Street , London
Strategic design advice for new residential units on tight, inner-London site for London Borough of Southwark.