Aberdeen, Ellon
Strategic development framework for the expansion of a market town to the north of Aberdeen, with the Prince’s Foundation for Aberdeenshire Council.
Bahrain, American Mission Hospital
Production of a growth strategy and spatial design “identity”, leading to the creation of conceptual designs for a) the redevelopment of the existing main hospital in Manama and b) the construction of a major new facility at Saar, for the American Mission Hospital in Bahrain.
Birmingham Eastside, Curzon Park
Masterplan design evaluation and design development exercise for a major, mixed-use scheme in the city centre of Birmingham, with Hamiltons architects for Development Securities.
Birmingham Eastside, Ventureast
Masterplan design evaluation and design development exercise for a major, mixed-use scheme in the city centre of Birmingham, involving assessment of the commercial viability of the various proposed ground floor uses, amenities and open spaces, with Aukett Fitzroy Robinson for Goodman.
Bristol, Southmead Hospital
Assistance in the masterplanning and strategic design of Southmead Hospital in Bristol, with NGM Architects for Skanska Innisfree Consortium.
Cambridge, Station Square
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics, masterplan evaluation and design impact assessment, with Rogers Stirk Harbour, Robert Myers Associates and Mott MacDonald for Ashwell Developments Limited.
Hong Kong Waterfront
Strategic urban analysis and conceptual masterplanning study for a major retail, leisure and commercial development, with KPF for a private client.
Jeddah, Unplanned Settlements Improvement Plan
Development of spatial and physical development proposals for transforming and revitalising 15 more informal settlements of the city through a number of targeted, small-scale interventions, for the Municipality of Jeddah.
London 2012, Olympics Visitor Centre
Layout evaluation and strategic design advice for the design of the Olympics Visitor Centre, with Studio Egret West architects for Newham 2012.
London 2012, Stratford City Masterplan
Evaluation and design development of a masterplan for the Olympic Village and, in legacy mode, the residential focus of the Stratford City masterplan in East London, with Fletcher Priest architects for Lend Lease and First Base.
London Public Realm Strategy
Assistance in the development of a Public Realm Strategy for London using GIS spatial network analysis to prioritize improvements to the design and management of Greater London’s streets and squares for the next 15 years, with Alan Baxter Associates for the Greater London Authority.
London Walking Maps
Scoping study for the development of walking maps in London, with the GeoData Institute for The Strategic Walks Project and Transport of London.
London, 123 Buckingham Palace Road
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics at Victoria, leading to the generation and evaluation of design concepts for redevelopment, with ORMS for Buckingham Properties Limited and Elizabeth Bridge Unit Trust.
London, Bath House
Evaluation of options for the design of the entrance to a new commercial development in central London, with KPF architects and Buro Four for Favermead.
London, Bishopsgate Goods Yard
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics at Bishopsgate and masterplan proposal evaluation, with Foster and Partners and Landscape Projects for Hammerson UK.
London, Bond Street Crossrail Design Review
Evaluation of candidate designs for a new Crossrail station in central London, involving analysis of current passenger movement and projection of future patterns, with KPF for the Grosvenor Estate and Crossrail.UK.
London, Camden Canal Market
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics, leading to the generation and evaluation of design concepts for a large, mixed-use development in Camden Market, with make architects for Stanley Sidings Ltd.
London, Camden Walking Maps
Detailed study for the design of walking maps in the London Borough of Camden, with East Architecture for Transport of London.
London, Covent Garden
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics at Covent Garden, leading to the generation and evaluation of design concepts for redevelopment, with KPF architects for Capital & Counties.
London, Croydon Gateway
Public realm evaluation and contribution to the masterplan design of a major, mixed-use development in central Croydon, with Faulkner Browns, CZWG and Foster and Partners architects for Stanhope PLC.
London, Croydon Town Centre Area Action Plan
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics, leading to the generation and evaluation of spatial development options for the emerging Town Centre Area Action Plan, for the London Borough of Croydon.
London, Ealing Strategic Centre Development Framework
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics, leading to the generation and evaluation of spatial development options for the emerging Town Centre Area Action Plan, with Tibbalds Planning & Urban Design for the London Borough of Ealing.
London, East Greenwich
Review of design proposals for a major, mixed-use development, for First Base.
London, Elephant & Castle
Comparative evaluation of competing masterplan proposals by three development consortia for the £1.5 billion redevelopment of the Elephant & Castle area, with make architects, Tibbalds Planning & Urban Design and JMP for the London Borough of Southwark.
London, Elephant & Castle Southern Crossing – Wider Area
Creation of a public realm strategy for the area surrounding new Southern Crossing at the Elephant & Castle, with Martha Schwarz & Partners for the London Borough of Southwark.
London, Goodman’s Fields
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics at Aldgate, leading to the generation and evaluation of design concepts for a major, residential-led development including the creation of three new public spaces, with Lifschutz Davisdson Sandilands architects and General Public Agency for Exemplar Properties.
For more information about the Goodman’s Fields, please click here.
London, i-VALUL (pilot stage)
A project in the UrbanBuzz knowledge exchange programme, aimed at making tangible the social, economic and environmental values of urban layout. The project is doing so by developing evidence-based evaluation tools and transferring expert knowledge. i-VALUL is led by Space Syntax in partnership with 46 organisations.
London, Leicester Square Odeon Site
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics at Leicester Square, leading to the generation and evaluation of design concepts for redevelopment, with Make architects for Steamboat.
London, Shepherds Bush Masterplan
Provision of strategic masterplanning design advice for the development of a major mixed-use project at Shepherd’s Bush, with Hamiltons architects for Land Securities.
London, South Bank University
Spatial design evaluation of a proposed masterplan for the long-term development and intensification of the main South Bank University Campus and its wider context for the emerging Supplementary Guidance Document, with Tibbalds Planning & Urban Design for the London Borough of Southwark.
London, VIBAT
A project in the UrbanBuzz knowledge exchange programme, aimed at envisaging sustainable transport scenarios in London for 2025 and 2050, and identifying the steps that would be required to achieve them. Space Syntax is collaborating with software development studio Zupa to design the project’s main visualisation tool: TC-SIM, a simulation model of transport and carbon emissions in London. The project is led by Halcrow in association with Transport for London and Professor David Bannister, Director of Oxford University’s Transport Studies Unit.
Oxford West End, Oxpens Square
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics, leading to the generation and evaluation of spatial development options for the emerging West End Centre Action Plan, for Oxford City Council.
Prague Zizko Masterplan
Urban Baseline Study of the public realm condition of the Zizkov site in Prague and masterplan proposal evaluation, with Hamilton Associates for Discovery Group.
Skelmersdale Town Centre
Creation of strategic masterplan design concepts for the comprehensive transformation of Skelmersdale town centre, with Benoy architects for English Partnerships and St Modwen.
Southend, Town Centre masterplan
Design review of town centre masterplan, involving preparation of an Urban Baseline Study of urban form and human activity for Renaissance Southend.
Spain, La Ciudad Paseable
Participation in a major research project looking at pedestrian accessibility and infrastructure, with the Polytechnic University of Madrid for the Spanish Government.
Sutton Walking Maps
Detailed study for the design of walking maps in the London Borough of Sutton, with East Architecture for Transport of London.
Walthamstow Town Centre
Urban Baseline Study of human activity patterns and urban design characteristics, leading to the generation and evaluation of spatial development options for the emerging Town Centre Area Action Plan, with the Prince’s Foundation for the London Borough of Waltham Forest.