19th October 2012

Cities are ultimately vessels for the concentrated production and sustenance of life. Yet this intrinsic aspect of urbanism – the human factor – is neglected… continue reading »

17th October 2012

Alongside curatorial and educational strategies, the management of visitor flows has become a fundamental way of ensuring that museums, galleries and other cultural institutions maintain… continue reading »

16th October 2012

The way in which cities approach urban design will be an integral part of their success in future. But, according to Tim Stonor, managing director… continue reading »

7th September 2012

It’s been a busy summer at Space Syntax and we thought you might be interested in some of the highlights. Below are 10 of our favourites… You’ll see… continue reading »

27th July 2012

Space Syntax has created the giant map of London’s street network which formed an iconic part of the Opening Ceremony for the 2012 London Olympic… continue reading »

24th July 2012

Join us for an introductory course on the Space Syntax approach to urban planning and design. Space Syntax 21 Brownlow Mews, London, WC1N 2LG Option… continue reading »

22nd June 2012

PLOY Public Life in the Olympic Year is the London Festival of Architecture‘s official photo competition project, organised by Space Syntax and Hype! How do… continue reading »

16th June 2012

Join The Academy of Urbanism and Henley Business School for a talk on Brazil’s housing programmes and their implications for the urban poor and future… continue reading »

4th May 2012

Space Syntax is part of two winning teams in the prestigious competition to redesign the National Mall in Washington DC: Union Square, in front of… continue reading »

28th February 2012

Today’s launch of UNICEF’s flagship report, The State of the World’s Children, features a contribution (see pages 64-65) from Space Syntax’s Managing Director, Tim Stonor…. continue reading »