Melbourne Urban Value Modelling
The “Urban Value Model” demonstrates the benefits of a fine-grained street network, diversity of land uses and proximity of public transport stops.
The Space Syntax team worked with city planning and design officers, taking pre-existing datasets and supplementing these with a purpose-built “Spatial Accessibility Model” of Melbourne. As well as calculating key spatial parameters such as local/global accessibility, urban block size and street network density, the Spatial Accessibility Model provides a “data framework” that allows other datasets to be combined and simultaneously analysed.
“Urban Value Models bring a new level of rigour to the urban masterplanning process, connecting design to real estate economics and allowing the effects of design decisions to be measured quantitatively. This takes us beyond the hopes of professional guesswork that too often characterise our industry.”
Nora Karastergiou
Project director for the Melbourne Urban Value Model
Further information
Space Syntax Digital page
Details of our work in the development of digital modelling tools.
Space Syntax Consulting page
Details of our services supporting public & private sector clients in the creation of urban planning & building design strategies.